Junindra Martua, Dany Try Hutama Hutabarat, Rumondang Rumondang


Domestic Violence (KDRT) is an act committed in the household by a husband, wife, or child that has a negative impact on physical, psychological, and harmonious relationships as regulated in article 1 of Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence . Household Violence Ladder (PKDRT Law). Included in the scope of domestic violence are actions against someone that results in physical, sexual, psychological and / or neglect of the household, including threats to commit acts, coercion, or illegal deprivation of liberty within the scope of the household. . Not all domestic violence can fully help because victims cover up on the grounds that links to culture, religious structures, and the prevailing legal system are not understood. So protection by the state and society aims to provide a sense of security to victims and to take action against the perpetrators. The high rate of Domestic Violence (KDRT) requires a solution other than government regulations.


Keywords: prevention, occurrence, violence, home, household.

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