Ade Fipriani Lubis, Juliwati P Batubara


Papaya (Carica papaya) is one of the horticultural commodities grown by the villagers of Bangun Sari. The problem faced by papaya farmers in the village of Bangun Sari is the infestation of “white fleas” (Paracoccus marginatus). Mealybugs attack fruit, stems and leaves. Mealybug attack on the fruit causes the fruit to become black and eventually rot and wrinkled. The leaves that are attacked become stunted and yellow, while the stems of the papaya plants that are attacked are blackish, eventually the stems rot and die. The condition of rotten fruit and black color decreases the productivity of papaya cultivation. In addition, papaya experiences secondary infection due to attacks from Papaya Mozaic Virus (PMV) or Papaya Ringspot virus. The presence of this virus is due to vectors, namely mealybugs (P. marginatus). The treatment of mealybug pests carried out by residents using pesticides. Knowledge of flea pest control naturally with natural pesticides is still minimal and has never been done. Activities carried out by socializing and explaining the treatment of white fleas. The result of this activity is knowledge and stimulates the people of Bangun Sari Village to be able to handle environmentally friendly mealybugs. The output target of the PKM is a scientific article published in the ANADARA Journal, the Asahan University Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM).


Keyword: Papaya, mealybugs

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