Dewi Astuti, Ely Syafitri


This dedication was motivated by the lack of motivation to learn mathematics from the 6th grade students of MIS Al-Washliyah Pasar Lembu. Students have difficulty in learning mathematics. This service aims to describe the activities of developing mathematics learning with math games for the 6th grade students of MIS Al-Washliyah Pasar Lembu. Math games at MIS Al-Washliyah Pasar Lembu contain the nature of providing assistance, advice, encouragement and opportunities for children to be motivated in learning. The stages of activities carried out are: 1) Preparation Stage, 2) Implementation Stage. The methods of this activity are: 1) Lecture Method, 2) Question and Answer Method, 3) Mathematics Game Method. Based on the results of the community service activities, it is concluded that: 1) Increased student learning motivation, 2) Increased student ability in learning mathematics.


Keywords: Math Games, Elementary School

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