Eva Margaretha, Khairun Nisa


Saving early has many benefits. Especially if it is embedded in these good habits in children from an early age. This will be useful for daily needs, especially for educational needs. Savings that have been prepared from an early age will reduce the dropout rate of children. The methods used in the implementation of this service activity are as follows: First, the proposing team conducts a field survey and sees the conditions and problems faced by partners. Assessment stage, This stage is very important which includes identification of problems that occur with partners. Assessment activities include collecting data, analyzing information, and combining various existing facts so as to provide an understanding, at this stage partners are active in raising the problems and constraints faced. Program alternative planning stage. The team actively engages partners to provide solutions to problems that occur. The solutions above are set to be implemented to partners. The activity carried out is a community service activity carried out in a series of KKN activities. By doing some useful activities for children in Sei Kepayang Tengah village.


Keywords motivation, saving, early age

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