Konsekuensi Hukum Terhadap Perkawinan Tidak Tercatat

Irda Pratiwi, Bahmid Bahmid, Junindra Martua


Marriage is a legal event regulated in the Marriage Law. The State of Indonesia is a legal state where everything is regulated by the current law or ius consitutum. Although marriage has been regulated in the Act, there is even a special law, namely Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, where in the Law it is explained that a valid marriage is a marriage that has registered by the Office of Religious Affairs or the Department of Population and Civil Registry.

In this paper, the author wants to discuss the legal consequences of unregistered marriages. Thus, this writing is more focused on the description of marriages, unregistered marriages, and the legal consequences of unregistered marriages. For unregistered marriages so that they can be recognized by the state or legal in the eyes of the law, marriage isbath must be carried out first.

Keywords: marriage, legal consequences, unregistered marriage

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