Gambaran Hasil Penyuluhan Golongan Darah Terhadap Siswi Smk Negeri 2 Tasikmalaya

Meri Meri, Tanendri Arrizqiyani


Blood type is a unique marker for each individual. These markers can be used for requirements in conducting blood transfusions to avoid unwanted reactions. The purpose of this activity is to explain the types of ABO and rhesus blood groups to female students of SMK Negeri 2 Tasikmalaya. The target is all students who take part in princess activities. Expected output is that all students know the types and benefits of knowledge about ABO and rhesus blood groups. The results of this activity are an increase in knowledge about the types of ABO and rhesus blood types, from 50% to 97.7% and from 2.3% to 75%.

Keywords Blood type, ABO, rhesus

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