Pemanfaatan Ikan Tamban Menjadi Produk Olahan Kerupuk Ikan Didesa Pahang Kecamatan Talawi Kabupaten Batu Bara

Khairani Laila, Syafrizal Hasibuan, Rumondang Rumondang, Juliwati P Batubara


Community service Activities (PKM) were carried out by the PKM proposer team of the asahan university which was carried out on November 15, 2019 in the village of Pahang talawi sub-district Batu Bara district which was attended by the women mother of Recitation. Tamban fish is a type of sardinella fish. Tamban fish also is one of the types of fish that are caught in the east coast of Batu Bara. Tamban fish has affordable prices compared to other fish. Moreover, when tamban fish is harvested a lot, tamban fish will be sold cheaply at a price of 2000/kg. in order not to be wasted, management must be done for tamban fish. Therefore, utilizing tamban fish into new processed products is a good step to increase the selling price of tamban fish by making fish crackers. The implementation of community sevice activites (PKM) is carried out throught observation activites, program socialization activites throught lectures and discussions in order to develop a work program plan during the activity. Adjusting the allocation of implementation time and direct responsibility of all parties involved and making the final report.

Keywords Potency, Tamban fish, Crackers

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