Pembiasaan Menjaga Kebersihan Sejak Usia Dini (Pengabdian Pada Murid TK Bintang Kecil Surabaya)

Dian Yulie Reindrawati


Keeping clean is a must. Maintaining cleanliness is closely related to health. Therefore, it is important for us to get used to practicing cleanliness. Good self-habituation starts from childhood. Based on this, community service activities were carried out for Kindergarten students at Bintang Kecil Kindergarten in Surabaya. Various things related to efforts to maintain personal hygiene are given, including brushing teeth and washing hands. Community service activities carried out in a fun, but still serious. This fun atmosphere is important so that students stay concentrated with the material without feeling afraid. This activity is important so that young children understand and eventually get used to maintain their personal hygiene.


Keywords: cleanliness, habit, young age

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References, 2020, Creating a Personal Hygiene Routine: Tips and Benefits,, di akses tanggal 17 Maret 2020

Perry, Peterson, Potter. 2005. Buku Saku Ketrampilan Dan Prosedur Dasar. Widya Medika Java Books Indonesia, Jakarta

Alamsyah, 2015, Ini Pentingnya Ajari Kebersihan Pada Anak Sejak Dini,, diakses tanggal 17 Maret 2020


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