Penerapan Sistem Informasi Data Iuran di Sekretariat Warga Tutuan Gunaksa

I Made Dwi Putra Asana, Putu Satria Udyana Putra, Ketut Jaya Atmaja


Maha Semaya Ki Mantri Tutuan residents are Ki Mantri Tutuan’s descent. . Ki Mantri Tutuan is Dalem Mangori’s descent who The King of Kelingga East Java. Based on data from the Ki Mantri Tutuan secretariat, it has 6.150 families total population. The residents are scattered around Bali and outside of Bali. Deployment of the residents in various regions, requires the secretariat to be able to utilize information technology to spread information. The technology currently applied cannot disseminate information widely and has weaknesses in data validity. Community service activities aim to implement information technology in managing resident contributions data. The final result of PKM activities is the development and application of website-based information systems in the management of residents contributions data. The data management information system is used to manage residents data, contributions data, and financial organization of Ki Mantri Tutuan.


Keywords Contributions Data Management, Maha Semaya Ki Mantri Tutuan, Information Systems

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F. Sobatnu, “Optimalisasi Vba Ms . Excel Untuk Translator Koordinat Utm,” J. POROS Tek., vol. 4, no. 1, 2012.


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